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Add Chat Widget to your website

What is a Chat Widget?

A Chat Widget is a powerful tool that allows you to add a real-time messaging feature to your website. It enables visitors to interact with you or your team directly through a chat interface, facilitating instant communication and enhancing user experience.

Whether you run an e-commerce store, provide customer support, or want to engage with your website visitors, a chat widget can be a valuable addition to your website. It offers a convenient and efficient way for visitors to ask questions, seek assistance, or provide feedback without having to navigate away from your site.

Adding a Chat Widget to Your Website

Adding a Chat Widget to your website is a straightforward process. Follow these simple steps to get started:

Step 1: Create a Chat Widget

First, login to your account, and in your dashboard, go to Flows page. From the left submenu, click on New Chat Widget. It will take you to a page where you can add and customize your Chat Widget.

create Widget

Step 2: Customize Your Chat Widget

After creating your chat widget, you'll be able to customize the appearance and behavior of your chat widget. This includes selecting a design that matches your website's branding, configuring chatbot and live chat settings.

Customise WidgetLivechat setting

Step 3: Generate the Chat Widget Code

Once you're satisfied with your chat widget's customization, click on save button to save the settings. Now go to the Integrations section, to see instructions on how to add the Chat Widget code snippet to your website.


What can be changed in the Widget Settings?

In the Chat Widget Settings section, you can find and edit the following information:

Bot name

This is the name that will be displayed next to the logo in the Chat Widget.

Bot Picture

Allows you to change the logo in the Chat Widget.

Theme Color

Allows you to change the color of your chat's widget.

Widget Chat Background

Allows you to add a background image in the background of the chat log.

color theme

Online Status

A message that will be displayed when you or your team are online in your panel.

Offline Status

A message that will be displayed in the widget when you and your team are offline.

Offline message

A message shown when a customer sends you a message during your offline hours.

Call To Action Text

A text that is displayed in the button which opens the chat widget when clicked on.

color themeBot Status

While editing the Widget Settings, you will have the possibility to preview how the chat will appear on your website. A chat preview will be available on the right side so that you can see the changes in real-time.

Chat Page

The Chat Page is a dedicated page on our website that allows you to engage with customers. It works just like a Chat Widget , except you donā€™t need to setup anything in order to use it. You can customize your chat page the same way you customize your Chat Widget.

To customize your Chat Page, go to your panel, then open Flows page. From the left submenu, click on Chat Page. It will take you to a page where you can customize your chat page.