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How we support our community


We believe that knowledge and education are essential for shaping a better future. We are committed to giving back to the community and supporting the dedicated individuals and organizations working tirelessly in the fields of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Education.

About us

Our Commitment

NGOs and education institutions play a vital role in addressing societal challenges, promoting equality, and nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. Recognizing your profound impact, we are proud to extend our hand of support.

Free Access

Our way to show commitment is by offering you SnoozeBUZZ premium features completely FREE to NGOs and educational institutions. We believe that access to efficient tools should not hinder your mission. By doing this, we aim to empower you to achieve your goals more effectively and efficiently.


Investing in a Brighter Future

We are not just giving away software; we are here for you. Our commitment extends beyond providing tools; it encompasses offering guidance, training, and ongoing support to ensure that you make the most of our resources. We are here to help you maximize your impact, amplify your reach, and achieve remarkable results.

Why We Do It

We understand the immense challenges faced by NGOs and educational institutions in their noble endeavors. By offering the tools you need, we hope to contribute to your success, ultimately making the world a better place for all.

We invite NGOs and educational institutions to join us on this journey of positive change. Allow us to sit next to you, and build a brighter future for generations to come.

If you represent an NGO or an educational institution, we welcome you to contact us today to learn more about how our free productivity tools can support your mission. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and pave the way for a better tomorrow.


Our Values


We put our customers at the center of everything we do and strive to exceed their expectations with our software and services.


We are always seeking new and better ways to solve problems and improve our products and services.


We work together as a team to achieve our goals and support each other in our individual and collective endeavors.


We conduct ourselves with honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all aspects of our business.

Continuous learning
Continuous learning

We are always learning and growing, seeking out new knowledge and skills to improve our work and better serve our customers.

Diversity and inclusion

We value diversity in all its forms and strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all team members and customers.


We are adaptable and open to change, recognizing that the business landscape is constantly evolving and requires us to be agile and responsive.


We believe that work should be enjoyable and strive to create a positive, upbeat, and fun environment for our team and customersĀ alike.


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24/7 customer support

Our team is here to provide you with personalized and outstanding service. We also offer a range of self-learning tools in our support center.

Contact us